Tuesday 25 October 2011

I'm back peeps.

    Hi! I hope that you all are in the pink and always stay COOL! I'm so sorry for not updating my blog for a couple of weeks. I was so busy facing the books instead of blogging or facebooking as i was preparing for a war against the PMR exam. Usually people prepare weapons for a war but this time i prepared knowledge.

    On the first day, the questions were quite easy. I step into the battlefield which known as dewan peperiksaan with my gadget and i'm ready to face any challenges. Caiyok bro. Ini Emy la.

     I was surprised that that i got right for some questions in geographical subject since i always got wrong. Biasa la, belajar dari kesilapan.

    The exam last for 5 days and there were hard and easy questions i had been through. I hope, with God's will, i can pass the exam with flying colours. Memperoleh kejayaan adalah semua impian pelajar tak kira di mana-mana. Awesome man. I believe that everybody are born to succeed and to achieve their dreams.

                      That's all i guest and don't worry, i will keep on updating. So, bye!


Friday 23 September 2011

Something about PMR.

Assalamualaikum! Hello there!

The most challenging day in my life, Peperiksaan Menengah Rendah or PMR is just around the corner. I mean not the most challenging in my life. Just the most challenging day in the life of a fifteen years old girls and boys. So, i'm not like 'totally ready' but just 'i hope i'm ready'. Like what the hack? So yeah. Guess I had to face this reality for a boy who had thousand dreams.

PMR: 'Hye! I'm PMR! I'm coming! Muahahahaha!'.
Me: 'Hye man! Yaw, I think you can just get a rest man! I'll belanja you makan burger king. Nak tak?'

I think I need to be a bit serious thinking about PMR which is two weeks more. I must start to be a weird boy who does awkward thing like studying, reading, writing, learning and so on. Concentrate more in studying man! If most of the time, I'm just hanging around doing unbenefical activities such as watching the magic refrigerator known as television. Now, I must watch those peliks peliks box known as books. If cannot, so what? I'm gonna do it anyway.

To be honest with you guys, I hate the subject Mathematics. Mathematics sucks. Mathematics really make me dizzy. So if your wondering why da heck I hate Mathematics? I will just answer 'I dunno man!'. Got it? I don't get why I hate Mathematics!

Momma: Man, Mathematics yaw! Your freaking weak in Mathematics so please? Mathematics man!
Me: Oukey yaw! I'll do some revision yaw!

My mommah doesn't 'sound' like that okey? It was just a voice from my dream. 

So, I think I will leave Internet and my PS games. Hate to say that. But, reality right? 
Thinks that's enough for today's post. See you around after my PMR. Yes I just say after. Not before. 


I'm bringing a bag of knowlegdes from every single thing I have learn. Yea I wish I can do that in my exam. 

P/S: Why am I thinking that I just had type something strange? Yiaaa my post is short and my idea is totally kering. So sorry if this post is annoying or kindo bored or watever. 

Sunday 18 September 2011

Introducing Me. A boy and a hero.

Assalamualaikum peeps! Hello super awesome people from all creed and races from all walks of life! Well I'm Hilmi. A super new blogger. Known as Emy. Saya suka nama tu! Nampak gedik lah. So i will be typing in two languages. Don't feel weird. I love my language which is known as Bahasa Melayu since I live in this pretty hot country. MALAYSIA! And I also love English. 

I'm one of the PMR candidates. A fifteen year old boy. Dah. Tak nak tahu pun.
So yeah. Blogs? Pffft. I have been hating this bloggie thing but i'm doing it right now. Oh ye? 

My sister recommended me to try this blogger, blogging, blogspot or whatever. I think that orang yang buat blog ni macam tengah cakap seorang diri. Well get a life please? Because I saw my sister typing and typing and typing. In my mind, I was thinking 'budak tu gila ke?' Hebat tak apa yang saya rasa? Internet tak bagi effect lah. Internet is totally boring! Eventhough I had a Facebook account, I woud just leave it like sampah. Please jangan marah? I know you all really love Facebook since in Facebook, we can marry our friend, we can get a grandfather or father or mother who is our friend. Haha georgeous right?

But after a while, I start feeling jeolous when my sister show her blog. And I was like 'A 12 year old girl pun boleh buat blog yang serba cantik tapi aku? Facebook pun tak reti guna.' 

I was just keeping my eye onto PS games. Yes games games and games. I love those foootball games. It was like kita sepak masuk gol, kita menang. Not longer, I started feeling bored. And from there, I ask my sister to teach me about this blogblogblog. Buat muka sepuluh sen karat hijau. She was younger than me yo! Feeling like a noob. 

Here I am, in this world wide web. I don't believe I just say that. Btw, rollercoster story is a perfect name for my blog yaa? Because my life goes up and down like those roller coster at Sunway or Times Square. Don't get wrong. I am from Kelantan. A pure Kelantanese, the state of GOMO KELATE GOMO!

Saya dah mula malas nak taip so I will stop. It is so easy to be malas. Just go to bed and sleep.

See u peeps later!

P/S: I 'm a new blogger. Jangan underestimate saya. I will be trying to make this blog sweet. Okay nampak sangat macam gay. I think my blog is cool! And visit my sister blog, Pwincez Min!